The online calculator is used to compute molecules' molecular weight (MW) by entering the chemical formulas. For example, C2HCl3O.H2O.
The molecular mass calculator will recognize the Element symbol, the Element Molar Mass, the number of elements in the formula, and the formula weight or total mass of the molecular formula.
The calculator handles at most two different bracket levels also.
The mass of the sample chemical compound divided by the volume of the sample material is known as the molar mass of a chemical compound in chemistry.
The molar mass is measured in grams per mole (g/mol). In general, the molar mass is the ratio of the mass of the substance to the number of particles present in it. It can be calculated by adding the standard atomic mass of the constituent atoms.
The unit of measurement for molar mass is grams per mole (g/mol). The ratio of a substance's mass to the total number of particles it contains is known as the molar mass. It is calculated by adding the standard atomic mass of the constituent atoms.
Element Atomic Number | Element Symbol | Element Name | Element Atomic Weight |
1 | H | Hydrogen | 1.00794 |
2 | He | Helium | 4.002602 |
3 | Li | Lithium | 6.941 |
4 | Be | Beryllium | 9.012182 |
5 | B | Boron | 10.811 |
6 | C | Carbon | 12.0107 |
7 | N | Nitrogen | 14.0067 |
8 | O | Oxygen | 15.9994 |
9 | F | Fluorine | 18.9984032 |
10 | Ne | Neon | 20.1797 |
11 | Na | Sodium | 22.98977 |
12 | Mg | Magnesium | 24.305 |
13 | Al | Aluminium | 26.981538 |
14 | Si | Silicon | 28.0855 |
15 | P | Phosphorus | 30.973761 |
16 | S | Sulfur | 32.065 |
17 | Cl | Chlorine | 35.453 |
18 | Ar | Argon | 39.948 |
19 | K | Potassium | 39.0983 |
20 | Ca | Calcium | 40.078 |
21 | Sc | Scandium | 44.95591 |
22 | Ti | Titanium | 47.867 |
23 | V | Vanadium | 50.9415 |
24 | Cr | Chromium | 51.9961 |
25 | Mn | Manganese | 54.938049 |
26 | Fe | Iron | 55.845 |
27 | Co | Cobalt | 58.9332 |
28 | Ni | Nickel | 58.6934 |
29 | Cu | Copper | 63.546 |
30 | Zn | Zinc | 65.409 |
31 | Ga | Gallium | 69.723 |
32 | Ge | Germanium | 72.64 |
33 | As | Arsenic | 74.9216 |
34 | Se | Selenium | 78.96 |
35 | Br | Bromine | 79.904 |
36 | Kr | Krypton | 83.798 |
37 | Rb | Rubidium | 85.4678 |
38 | Sr | Strontium | 87.62 |
39 | Y | Yttrium | 88.90585 |
40 | Zr | Zirconium | 91.224 |
41 | Nb | Niobium | 92.90638 |
42 | Mo | Molybdenum | 95.94 |
43 | Tc | Technetium | 98 |
44 | Ru | Ruthenium | 101.07 |
45 | Rh | Rhodium | 102.9055 |
46 | Pd | Palladium | 106.42 |
47 | Ag | Silver | 107.8682 |
48 | Cd | Cadmium | 112.411 |
49 | In | Indium | 114.818 |
50 | Sn | Tin | 118.71 |
51 | Sb | Antimony | 121.76 |
52 | Te | Tellurium | 127.6 |
53 | I | Iodine | 126.90447 |
54 | Xe | Xenon | 131.293 |
55 | Cs | Cesium | 132.90545 |
56 | Ba | Barium | 137.327 |
57 | La | Lanthanum | 138.9055 |
58 | Ce | Cerium | 140.116 |
59 | Pr | Praseodymium | 140.90765 |
60 | Nd | Neodymium | 144.24 |
61 | Pm | Promethium | 145 |
62 | Sm | Samarium | 150.36 |
63 | Eu | Europium | 151.964 |
64 | Gd | Gadolinium | 157.25 |
65 | Tb | Terbium | 158.92534 |
66 | Dy | Dysprosium | 162.5 |
67 | Ho | Holmium | 164.93032 |
68 | Er | Erbium | 167.259 |
69 | Tm | Thulium | 168.93421 |
70 | Yb | Ytterbium | 173.04 |
71 | Lu | Lutetium | 174.967 |
72 | Hf | Hafnium | 178.49 |
73 | Ta | Tantalum | 180.9479 |
74 | W | Tungsten | 183.84 |
75 | Re | Rhenium | 186.207 |
76 | Os | Osmium | 190.23 |
77 | Ir | Iridium | 192.217 |
78 | Pt | Platinum | 195.078 |
79 | Au | Gold | 196.96655 |
80 | Hg | Mercury | 200.59 |
81 | Tl | Thallium | 204.3833 |
82 | Pb | Lead | 207.2 |
83 | Bi | Bismuth | 208.98038 |
84 | Po | Polonium | 209 |
85 | At | Astatine | 210 |
86 | Rn | Radon | 222 |
87 | Fr | Francium | 223 |
88 | Ra | Radium | 226 |
89 | Ac | Actinium | 227 |
90 | Th | Thorium | 232.0381 |
91 | Pa | Protactinium | 231.03588 |
92 | U | Uranium | 238.02891 |
93 | Np | Neptunium | 237 |
94 | Pu | Plutonium | 244 |
95 | Am | Americium | 243 |
96 | Cm | Curium | 247 |
97 | Bk | Berkelium | 247 |
98 | Cf | Californium | 251 |
99 | Es | Einsteinium | 252 |
100 | Fm | Fermium | 257 |
101 | Md | Mendelevium | 258 |
102 | No | Nobelium | 259 |
103 | Lr | Lawrencium | 262 |
104 | Rf | Rutherfordium | 261 |
105 | Db | Dubnium | 262 |
106 | Sg | Seaborgium | 266 |
107 | Bh | Bohrium | 264 |
108 | Hs | Hassium | 277 |
109 | Mt | Meitnerium | 268 |
110 | Ds | Darmstadtium | 281 |
111 | Rg | Roentgenium | 272 |
112 | Cn | Copernicium | 285 |
113 | Nh | Nihonium | 284 |
114 | Fl | Flerovium | 289 |
115 | Mc | Moscovium | 288 |
116 | Lv | Livermorium | 292 |
117 | Ts | Tennessine | 294 |
118 | Og | Oganesson | 294 |