Standard Operating Procedure for Cleaning of Pallets used in the pharmaceuticals
Standard Operating Procedure for Cleaning of Pallets used in the pharmaceuticals
1. Purpose:
To provide a standard operating procedure for Cleaning of Pallets used in the pharmaceuticals.
2. Scope
The scope of this SOP is applicable for the Cleaning of Pallets used in the pharmaceuticals at [company name].
3. Responsibility
Warehouse person: Perform cleaning of Pallets as per SOP
Warehouse supervisor: To review the clearing operation
Warehouse head: Monitoring the compliance of SOP
4. Definitions
Not applicable
5. Procedure
5.1 Procedure for cleaning of Stainless Steel (SS) and Plastic Pallets (loaded pallets)
• Before cleaning the pallets, use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as goggles, nose masks, hand gloves, etc.
• While working at height, use required safety precautions and appropriate tools.
• Sequence of cleaning pallets shall be from the top rack to the bottom rack.
• While cleaning, take precautions that the raw material and packing material container bags should not be contaminated or damaged.
• Lint-free moping duster or vacuum cleaner shall be used to clean all the pallets’ side surfaces.
• While cleaning the pallets, do not disturb the materials stored on it.
• Water or detergent shall not be used for cleaning the pallets.
• In case pallets have stains, replace the pallet with a cleaned one and clean the stained pallet as per point no. 5.2.
• When loaded pallets get empty after consuming material/ material removed from the pallets, they shall be cleaned as per point no. 5.2 before taking into use for loading other materials.
5.2 Procedure for cleaning of Stainless Steel (SS) and Plastic Pallets (empty pallets)
• Before cleaning the pallets, use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as goggles, nose masks, hand gloves, etc.
• Pallets shall be taken to the dedusting area/ utensils cleaning area.
• Lint-free moping duster or vacuum cleaner shall be used to clean the pallets’ all side surface.
• Use a wet mop (pre-soaked in potable grade water) and clean all the sides. Ensure that stain and stuck material is removed adequately.
• In case of any damage noticed, pallets shall be sent for refurbishment or shall be retired from its use if it is not repairable.
5.3 Procedure for cleaning of containment pallet
• Transfer the containers or drum to another clean pallet.
• In case any solvent or liquid is spilled in the containment part, collect it safely and dispose of it as per the procedure defined in the Material Safety Data Sheet. When there is no procedure available to handle any solvent, contact the safety department personnel to seek advice. Dirty pallets shall be cleaned using detergent and then water.
• In case of spillage, check the container for any damage. If the container is found with any damage, follow the respective procedure for handling the damaged material container.
• Pallets shall be taken to the dedusting area/ utensils cleaning area for cleaning.
• When pallets are dry, lint free moping duster or vacuum cleaner shall be used to clean the pallets’ all side surface.
• Use a wet mop (pre-soaked in potable grade water) and clean all the sides. Ensure that stain and stuck material is removed adequately.
• In case any damage to the pallets noticed, it shall be retired from its use.
6. Frequency
Empty pallets: Before storage of material on a pallet.
Loaded pallets: Weekly once
Containment pallet: Weekly once
7. Formats
7.1 Record for cleaning of containment pallet/ empty pallets [Content of log book]
Pallet No.
Any spillage noted in containment pallet (Yes/ No)
In case of spillage, check for container damage (Damaged/ not damaged)
Cleaned By
Checked By