Standard Operating Procedure for entry and exit of employees and visitors in the factory premises in pharmaceutical industry
1. Purpose
To provide a standard operating procedure for entry and exit of employees and visitors in the factory premises.
2. Scope
The scope of this SOP is applicable for the entry and exit of employees and visitors in the factory premises at [company name].
3. Responsibility
Security personnel: To monitor entry and exit compliance at entry gate.
HR and Administration department: Overall implementation of SOP.
Employees: To register their attendance using biometric device during their entry and exit.
Visitors: To follow the guidance provided by security personnel to facilitate entry and exit at factory premises.
4. Definitions
Not Applicable
5. Procedure
5.1 Procedure for employee entry in the factory premises.
• The employee should follow safety rules while traveling to and from factory premises. For example, bike riders should wear helmets, and employees who travel using cars should wear seat belts.
• All employees require wearing an identity card while entering the facility, and it should be worn all the time while remaining on the factory premises.
• The employee needs to log their attendance using a biometric device located at each entry point of factory premises. In any case, the employee cannot bring an identity card; the employee should log the attendance in the logbook available with a security officer. While doing a manual entry in the attendance register, the employee should explain manual attendance.
• Employees should ensure that entry is registered in the system adequately by looking at the massage on the machine display.
• Manual attendance should be done if the biometric system is malfunctioning or the machine does not accept entry for specific employees.
• While attendance is registered through the biometrics system, the headcount will automatically be updated. However, while doing the manual entry, the employee is required to update the headcount by pressing the headcount button.
• Because of any reason employee report late in the factory premises, it should be recorded in the late coming register.
5.2 Procedure for employee exit from the factory premises.
• Employees must register exit logs using a biometric system while leaving the factory premises. In case of entry, the log is made in the manual attendance register; an exit log also should be made in the same register.
• An employee should ensure that the exit log is registered in the system adequately by looking at the massage on the biometrics machine’s display.
• When employees want to leave early from the factory premises, the same procedure needs to be followed; in addition to the regular procedure, the department head must grant early leaving permission through the outdoor gate pass.
5.3 Procedure for visitor entry and exit in the factory premises.
• On arrival of a visitor at the entry gate, a security person shall inquire about the purpose and to whom the visitor wants to meet. Based on the confirmation from the respective person to whom the visitor will meet, the security personnel shall make a gate pass for him and ask the visitor to enter details in the visitor register.
• A visitor’s identification card shall be issued to the visitor.
• If the visitor is carrying any belongings, depending on need, it will be allowed to bring them inside the premises with permission. Laptop, camera, mobile, or any other electronic device or tools shall only be allowed after permission from plant authorized person after understanding the purpose. This permission shall be documented as per respective format. The remaining belongings shall be deposited at the security gate.
• Security person shall guide the visitor to press the headcount button before entering inside the premises.
• The visitor should be always be escorted by respective department personnel. This is important with respect to the safety and security point of view.
• Visitors’ health status shall be checked as per the respective procedure to ensure that visitors are not infected with any contagious diseases.
• Visitors shall be educated about the safety rules of the factory premises by providing a safety awareness card to them and asking them to keep it with them during their entire visit and return during exit.
• When visitors want to leave factory premises, security personnel will ensure that whatever items the visitor took inside the factory matches. In case of any mismatch observed, it shall be inquired to resolve the discrepancy.
• If the visitor is taking anything additional with him/ her, it should have adequate documentation or written permission from the authorized personnel.
• Before exit, security personnel should collect the visitor’s identification card and gate pass duly signed by the person to whom the visitor met in the factory.
• Security personnel will guide the visitor to press the headcount button to deduct the count.
6. Frequency
Daily: Employee to follow the entry and exit procedure, and security personnel guide visitor for every entry and exit.
7. Formats
7.1 Employee attendance register
Sr. no. | Date | Name of employee | Entry time | Employee Sign/ date | Exit time | Employee Sign/ date | Reason for manual entry | Sign by security officer |
7.2 Late coming register
Sr. no. | Date | Name of employee | Entry time | Reason for late entry | Employee Sign/ date | Sign by security officer |
7.3 Outdoor Gate Pass for Employee
Outdoor Gate Pass | [Company Logo] |
Date | |
Name of employee | |
Purpose of outdoor gate pass | Personal/ Official/ half day |
Employee Sign/ Date | |
Head of Department Sign/ Date |
7.4 Visitor Gate Pass
Visitor Gate Pass | [Company Logo] |
Date | |
Name of visitor | |
Purpose of visit | |
Belongings to take inside the plant | |
Visitor’s Sign/ Date | |
Escort/ authorized personnel Sign/ Date |
7.5 Visitor tracking register
Sr. no. | Date | Name of Visitor | Entry time | Purpose of visit | Visitor’s Sign/ date | Exit time | Visitor’s Sign/ date | Sign by security officer |