Standard Operating Procedure for Handling of Spillage in the Quality Control Laboratory
1.0 Purpose:
To lay down a procedure for Handling of Spillage in the Quality Control Laboratory.
2.0 Scope:
The scope of this procedure is applicable for Handling of Spillage in the Quality Control Laboratory at [company name].
3.0 Responsibility:
QC Personnel/ Housekeeping Personnel: To clean any spillage in the Quality Control Laboratory.
Head QC/ Designee: To Monitor the Activity.
4.0 Definitions:
Not Applicable
5.0 Procedure:
5.1 The laboratory shall have adequate facilities and accessories to prevent spillage in the workplace.
5.2 Separate dedicated laboratory areas shall be provided for the performance of routine procedures required by the laboratory.
5.3 Safety precautions shall be followed wherever required.
5.4 The housekeeping person and all Quality Control Staff are responsible for removing spillage in the laboratory.
5.5 Every spillage shall be reported to the Manager QC and Safety member.
5.6 All persons shall be trained in handling spillage.
5.7 If a person’s clothes (apron) or skin is contaminated due to any spillage, remove the clothing (apron) and flush the skin with water for no less than fifteen minutes.
5.8 If a person’s eyes or many parts of the body are affected, follow the procedure for cleaning as per “SOP for Operation and Cleaning of Eye wash and Safety shower”.
5.9 Handle spillage very carefully.
5.10 Use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) like hand gloves, safety goggles, and a nose mask.
5.11 Procedure: A trained housekeeping person shall clean the laboratory spillage.
5.12 Procedure for Acid Spillage:
• If any acid spillage occurs, spray a 1% Sodium Bicarbonate Solution on the spillage area.
• Pour plenty of tap water on the affected area.
• Finally, wipe and clean the area as per “SOP for General Cleaning of QC & QA Department”.
5.13 Procedure for Poisonous Chemical Spillage:
• If any poisonous chemical spillage occurs, use measures to control the spillage.
• Pour plenty of tap water on the affected area.
• Finally, wipe and clean the area as per “SOP for General Cleaning of QC & QA Department”.
5.14 Procedure for Other Chemical Spillage:
• Immediately pour plenty of tap water on the affected area.
• Finally, wipe and clean the area as per “SOP for General Cleaning of QC & QA Department”.
• The working bench area, weighing balance area, wet lab are major possible areas of spillage in the laboratory, which shall be cleaned regularly.
6.0 Acceptance Criteria:
Not Applicable
7.0 Frequency:
As and when required.
8.0 Format for recording:
Not Applicable