Standard Operating Procedure for Operation and Cleaning of Shaker Bath

Standard Operating Procedure for Operation and Cleaning of Shaker Bath
1. Purpose:
To lay down a procedure for Operation and Cleaning of Shaker Bath.
2. Scope
The scope this document is to provide the procedure for Operation and Cleaning of Shaker Bath in pharmaceutical quality control laboratory.
3. Responsibility
QC Personnel: To operate and clean shaker bath.
Supervisor QC: To review the activity done by QC person.
Head QC: To ensure compliance of SOP.
4. Definitions
Not applicable
5. Procedure
5.1 General instructions
• Verify the cleanliness of instrument before and after every use.
• Ensure that the water level inside the tank is adequate enough as per level recommended by manufacturer. Ideally, it should be at least one inch above the heater.
• Keep the speed regulator knob at minimum position [at minimum speed].
• Once the requirement above prerequisite is fulfilled, switch “ON” the mains.
• Allow the holders to stop. Do not remove the flasks while it is in running condition.
• Do not immerse hand or fingers in the shaking bath while it is in running condition.
5.2 Operation of Shaker Bath
• Place and fit the glassware using the clamps provided in the shaker bath. Clamp shall b selected as per the capacity of volumetric flask.
• Ensure the all the safety and operation precautions.
• Switch On the main switch. Set the function of shaking tray as per requirement.
• Set the timer as required by method of analysis.
• Set the speed of shaker as required by method of analysis. When there is not specific parameters are required to be used, manual mode can be used to run the shaker bath.
• In case when temperature is required to maintain while shaking the solution using the shaker bath, set the temperature using setting knob and temperature. Use the fine and coarse knob to adjust the temperature.
• Once the temperature is set, allow the bath to achieve desired temperature. Actual temperature shall be displayed.
• To get the temperature speedy, booster function can be used.
• Once shaking operation is completed and want to repeat the operation, use reset button.
• After completion of the operation, switch Off the main power supply.
5.3 Cleaning of Shaker Bath
• Disconnect the utility supply such as electric connection, water connection of instrument.
• Drain the water from shaker bath before starting the cleaning.
• Clean the shaker bath with detergent solution. Remove the adhered scaling from the bath. Finally rinse the bath using tap water.
• Dry the instrument using dry and clean duster.
6. Frequency
Operation: During the analysis as required by method of analysis.
Cleaning: Weekly once.
7. Formats
7.1 Logbook for operation and cleaning of Shaker Bath.
Sr. No.
A.R. No.
Start time
End time
Operation by
Checked by
Cleaning done by
Cleaning verified by
To refer more similar procedures of quality control laboratory, click here.
To refer more SOP of Pharmaceutical Industry, click here