Standard Operating Procedure for Operation and Cleaning of Weighing Balances

Standard Operating Procedure for Operation and Cleaning of Weighing Balances
1. Purpose:
To lay down a procedure for Operation and Cleaning of Weighing Balances in the pharmaceutical warehouse.
2. Scope:
The scope of this is applicable for Operation and Cleaning of Weighing Balances in the pharmaceutical warehouse at [company name].
3. Responsibility:
Warehouse Person: Operation and Cleaning of Weighing Balances
Head Warehouse: Effective implementation of SOP
4. Definitions:
Not Applicable
5. Procedure:
5.1 Operation of weighing balance:
• In the warehouse, weighing balances are used for various purposes, i.e. receipt of material, dispensing of Raw Material and Packing Material, and scrap management.
• Verify the level indicator bubble/ spirit level to ensure that the bubble is in the center of indicator. If needed, adjust it. In case of any adjustment done, verify the balance as per balance verification procedure.
• Ensure that weighing balance if within the calibration validity and daily verification is done before use. When weighing balance is restarted, stability the same for at-least 30 minutes before performing daily verification.
• Before use, verify the capacity and operating range of the weighing balance.
• To start the weighing balance, Electric supply shall be switched “ON”. The balance shall display “Zero” on the screen.
• Press the “Zero” key to display “0.000 or 0.0000” on the screen as per applicable decimal places.
• While weighing the material, ensure that the material is kept in the center of balance platform.
• Stability the reading of weight. Once the reading is stabilized, reading shall be recorded.
• Collect the weight material from the weighing balance platform.
5.2 Cleaning of weighing balance:
• Switched “OFF” the weighing balances before starting the cleaning activity.
• De-dust the surrounding and underneath area of weighing balance using dry mop and vacuum cleaner.
• The platform of the balance shall be removed and the accumulated powder dust shall be cleaned by using vacuum cleaner.
• Wipe the balance platform using a dry lint free duster. Clean the surface using wet duster pre-soaked in the potable quality water.
• The area below the balance shall be cleaned by using specially designed mop wherever balance platform is difficult to uncover.
• Use qualified disinfectant [provide name of qualified disinfectant solution and its concentration] to clean the surface of the balance.
• The balance platform shall be allowed to air dry or dry using compressed air.
• Weighing balance available in the dispensing area shall be cleaned along with the cleaning of Reverse Laminar Air Flow (RLAF).
• Record the cleaning details in the weighing balance cleaning record.
6. Frequency:
Weighing – As and when needed for weighing activity
Cleaning – After every operation and before use if clean equipment hold time validity is over.
7. Formats:
7.1 Weighing Balance Operation Record
Sr. No.
Product / material
Batch No./ A.R. No.
Verify balance stabilization period before use
Verify spirit level before use
Weighing start time
Weighing end time
Material weight by
Weighing verified by
7.2 Weighing Balance Cleaning Record
Sr. No.
Previous product / material
Cleaning start time
Cleaning end time
Cleaning done by
Cleaning verified by
To know more about USP Guidelines for Weighing in the Pharmaceutical Industry, click here