Standard Operating Procedure for Operation of Digital Flow Meter
1.0 Purpose:
To lay down a procedure for Operation of Digital Flow Meter.
2.0 Scope:
The scope of this procedure is applicable for Operation of Digital Flow Meter.
3.0 Responsibility:
QC Personnel: To Operate the Digital Flow Meter, To Monitor the External Calibration Activity of Digital Flow Meter.
Head QC/ Designee: To Review the External Calibration Report, To Monitor the Activity.
4.0 Definitions:
5.0 Procedure:
5.1 Switch “ON” the Digital Flow Meter before connecting it to the source of the gas flow during the calibration of Gas Chromatography.
5.2 The range of the Digital Flow Meter is 0.1 – 100 mL/minute.
5.3 Do not use the Digital Flow Meter outside its range (0.1 – 100 mL/minute).
5.4 Press and hold the “ON”/Split button to switch “ON” the Digital Flow Meter.
5.5 The display will flash the message “WARMUP” and show the flow rate.
5.6 During “WARMUP”, the microprocessor will run a self-diagnostic to ensure the system is functioning correctly.
5.7 Connect the flexible tubing of the Digital Flow Meter to the vent to measure the flow of gas.
5.8 Record the reading when the weight stabilizes.
5.9 Press and hold the “ON”/Split button to switch “OFF” the Digital Flow Meter after use.
6.0 Acceptance Criteria:
Not Applicable
7.0 Frequency:
Operation: As and when required.
Calibration: Calibration is done by External Agency on Yearly basis.
8.0 Format for recording:
Not Applicable