Standard Operating Procedure for Rodent Control and Pest Control for Warehouse

1. Purpose
To provide a standard operating procedure for Rodent Control and Pest Control for Warehouse.
2. Scope
The scope of this SOP is applicable for Rodent Control and Pest Control for Warehouse at [company name].
3. Responsibility
Warehouse person: To record Rodent Control and Pest Control activities for the warehouse.
Warehouse supervisor: To verify Rodent Control and Pest Control records.
QA Person: To periodic review the documents during the self-inspection.
Warehouse Head: To monitor the procedure for Rodent Control and Pest Control compliance applicable for warehouse.
4. Definitions
Not applicable
5. Procedure
5.1 Procedure for Rodent Control
5.1.1 Well-known rodents include mice, rats, squirrels, lizards, etc.
5.1.2 Main point of entry for rodents is material entries, emergency exit doors, and sometimes man entries.
5.1.3 Rodents shall be effectively controlled using the following two-layered approach.
5.1.4 First of all, the rodents shall be controlled using rodent bite stations, which shall be located outside the building at all potential points from where Rodents can come towards warehouse entry points.
5.1.5 This barrier shall control the rodents to come near the entry points of the warehouse.
5.1.6 In any case, the rodents might have escaped the first layer; second layer control is to locate Glue Traps outside the entry doors and inside the entry door. It is a general tendency of rodents that walk alongside the walls. Hence, glue traps shall be placed near the wall. In that case, if any rodent tries to enter inside the facility, it will get trapped with the glue trap.
5.1.7 The location of the rodent bite station and glue traps shall be placed as per the location chart.
5.1.8 The rodent bite station (with poison cake) and glue traps shall be checked daily in the morning. Observation shall be recorded in the logbook.
5.1.9 In case of no observation noted on the glue trap, it shall be changed once a week (or recommended by the glue trap manufacturer). In case of any rodent found trapped on the glue trap, it shall be replaced immediately irrespective of the frequency defined in the procedure.
5.1.10 Similarly, the rodent bite station shall be verified on a daily basis for the presence of cake. If a cake is absent or partially absent, it shall be replaced immediately with a new one. [Note: Rodent may or may not die within the factory premises. If found in factory premises, it shall be disposed of as per procedure].
5.1.11 In case of any rodent found trap on the glue trap; it can be released at a safe location in the field or appropriate location outside the factory premises to not again come inside the facility.
5.1.12 In case of any rodent found dead; it shall be disposed of as per the procedure. [Note: Most preferable approach, in my opinion, is to handover to the rodent and pest control agency to dispose of]
5.1.13 The observations shall be recorded in the logbook for the number of rodents observed and the type of rodent. (Note: Photograph can be maintained for future reference and training purposes).
5.1.14 The observations shall be trended for the total number of observations in the facility and location-wise. (Note: The trend will help the organization to strengthen the rodent and pest control program).
5.2 Procedure for Pest Control
5.2.1 The pests can include insects such as flies, mosquitoes, etc.
5.2.2 Pest control in the warehouse shall be done using the following three-layered approach.
5.2.3 Pest control outside the warehouse and surrounding the building shall be done every week. Since surrounding the facility would not be maintained by the warehouse department, it shall be handled using a separate procedure. However, past control of surroundings is essential to control the pest in the periphery of the facility.
5.2.4 Second layer of pest control is done using physical control, sanitization, and fly killing as follows.
5.2.5 Physical control is done using an air curtain at entry points, tightly closed doors, and airlock facility. [Air curtain and airlocks also play an important role in contamination control].
5.2.6 Sanitization of door entry points, platforms (receiving and dispatch bay), airlock, and inside the facility play a vital role in controlling pest intrusion. Maintaining cleanliness at the entry point reduces attraction and the possibility of instruction inside the facility. In addition, locating UV light-based fly killers at both sides of the doors (outer side of the warehouse) will attract flies towards fly killers and prevent its intrusion.
5.2.7 Third layer of protection is sanitization of the inside facility, fly killer (inside airlocks and inside warehouse door (both sides of door)), and to some extent, glue trap will further help to reduce the pest intrusion inside the warehouse or control if it enters by crossing first and second layer of protection.
5.2.8 Fly killers and glue traps shall be monitored on a daily basis for the number of flies killed by counting them in the tray and stuck on a glue trap.
5.2.9 The record of the above observation shall be maintained and shall be trended.
5.2.10 Trend will help identify seasonal spikes (number of flies) and improve pest control programs.
5.2.11 Depending on the seasonal and overall trend, the frequency of pest control treatment can be re-defined. 5.3 Fly killer UV lights shall be replaced every six-monthly (or recommended by UV light manufacturer).
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6. Frequency
Verify Rodent Control traps (Glue traps) on daily basis
Verify fly killer on daily basis
Trending of rodent and pest control observation on quarterly and yearly basis
UV light replacement in fly killer on six monthly basis
7. Formats
Format for recording of rodent and pest control through glue trap
Sr. No.
Observation (Rodent found/ not found)
Number of insects found on glue trap
Observed by
Checked by
Glue trap changed by
Verified by
Format for recording of rodent control through rodent bite station
Sr. No.
Observation (Rodent found/ not found)
Observed by
Checked by
Poison bite changed by
Verified by
Format for recording of pests and flies through fly killer
Sr. No.
Observation (Number of flies found)
Observed by
Checked by
Location for placement of rodent bite station and glue traps for rodent and pest control
Sr. No.
Name of Location
Location Number
Type of control (Rodent bite station/ Glue trap/ fly killer)
Location chart prepared by
Location chart checked by
Location chart approved by
UV light replacement record
Fly Killer Id. number
Number of UV light available
UV Light replacement done on
UV Light replacement due on
Light replaced by
Checked by