Standard Operating Procedure for defining Role and Responsibilities of employees in various departments and Departmental Organogram
1. Purpose
To provide a standard operating procedure for defining Role and Responsibilities of employees in an organization and Departmental Organogram.
2. Scope
The scope of this SOP is applicable defining Role and Responsibilities of employees in all the departments as well as preparation of departmental organogram at [company name].
3. Responsibility
Head of Departments:
To prepare an organogram for the department as per hierarchical structure.
To issue a job responsibility for the work to be assigned to the employee.
To read and understood the job responsibility and accept it. To ensure that training with respect to assigned role is completed before accepting the job responsibility.
Human Resource (HR) Department:
Approved Job responsibilities of all the employee shall be maintained by HR department in respective employee files.
4. Definitions
Job responsibility or Job description: A job responsibility is a description of duties and tasks to be performed during particular job role assigned by employer or within the department.
Role curriculum: The role curriculum is approved list of topics that serves as a guideline for the learning process that becomes its duties and responsibilities subsequently.
5. Procedure
5.1. Preparation of Job Responsibility
● When employee joins an organization and handed over to respective department by HR after completion of induction, departmental as well as work related role curriculum shall be issued to an employee.
● Employee needs to complete the training as per assigned role curriculum.
● Once the training as per role curriculum is completed and training department release the employee with the certification that now employee is ready to perform task as per role, department head shall issues job responsibility to the employee.
● Employee will review the job responsibility details and shall accept the same.
● Roles and Responsibility of each employee shall be prepared as per predefined format or template.
● Job responsibility can be updated or revised depending on need of the department and organization.
● Before revision of job responsibility, it shall be ensure that employee has completed the training as per new job role to be assigned. Once the training as per new job role is completed, job responsibility can be revised with required updates.
● When job responsibility is to be revised, previous version of Job Responsibilities shall be obsolete with “Obsolete copy” stamp with signature.
● Job responsibility shall consist of information such as employee name, employee identification number, date of joining, designation or title, date of joining, job responsibility effective date, immediate reporting to, department head, and list of responsibility to be performed by employee.
● Hierarchical structure shall be brief in the job responsibility in a flow chart form.
● Approved Job responsibilities of all the employee shall be maintained by HR department in respective employee files.
● Respective departments need to ensure that updated job responsibility is submitted to HR immediate after approval. One copy of job responsibility shall be maintained by respective department for their reference.
5.2. Preparation of departmental organogram
● The departments in the organizations are setup with hierarchical structure. The department is led by department head and there are various sections or subsections reporting to department head. Each section or subsections are made up of small teams which are led by section head. Team members are reporting to section head and all the section head reports to department head.
● Department heads further reports to their functional head.
Note: In pharmaceuticals, quality department remains independent of operation team and functional heads for operation team and quality teams are different. Functional Heads are finally reports to CEO or managing director of the organization.
● The organogram should have departmental hierarchical flow chart and role, responsibility and objective of the department and each sections and sub sections.
6. Frequency
Job responsibility:
At the time of joining for new employee
When job role needs to be revised
The organogram should be reviewed once in a year
7. Formats
Role of Department [Department name]
a. General information:
● Department name
● Department head
● Number of sections in the department
● Number of employee in the department
b. Organogram [Flow chart of hierarchy]

c. Role of department in the organization
d. Role of each sub section in the department
Prepared By
Reviewed By
Approved By
Job Responsibility/ Jon Description
a. Basic Information
Employee Name | |
Employee Code | |
Designation/ Title | |
Date of Joining | |
Department Name | |
Section Name | |
Reporting to section Head | |
Department Head | |
Version No. | |
Effective date | |
Other team members authorized to perform task in absent of this employee/ Authorized deputy [in case of department head] |
b. Key Responsibility Areas
Role | Responsibilities under the role |
Role -1: | i. Responsibility 1 |
i. Responsibility 2 | |
i. Responsibility 3 | |
Role-2: | i. Responsibility 1 |
i. Responsibility 2 | |
i. Responsibility 3 |
c. Hierarchical place of the employee in the department
Job responsibility issued by (Department Head)
(Sign/ date)
Job responsibility understood and accepted by (Employee)
(Sign/ date)