SOP for Storage of under test samples in Quality Control Laboratory

Standard Operating Procedure for Storage of under test samples in Quality Control Laboratory

Standard Operating Procedure for Storage of under test samples in Quality Control Laboratory

1.0 Purpose:

To lay down a procedure for Storage of under Test Samples in Quality Control Laboratory.

2.0 Scope:

The scope of this procedure is applicable for Storage of under Test Samples (Raw Materials, Semi – Finished, Finished, Process Validation, Stability and Packaging Material) in Quality Control Laboratory.

3.0 Responsibility:

QC Personnel: To Sample and Store the Under Test Samples.

Head QC/ Designee: To Monitor the Activity.

4.0 Definitions:


5.0 Procedure:

• All Under Test Samples shall be kept in the respective cabinets under lock and key, and the keys shall be kept with the respective section head.

• Sterile/ Injectable Material Products shall be stored as per the product storage condition or as mentioned in the respective specification, in the cooling cabinet/ Deep freezer at ambient temperature.

• For cold chain products (2 – 8°C / – 20 °C), maintain the product / material list as per the respective format “Format for storage condition of cold chain product / raw material”.

• In case of cold chain products (i.e. 2 to 8 °C / – 20 °C) mentioned as per respective Format, carry the sample from the stability chamber to the Quality Control Laboratory in a container with a cool pack.

• Cabinets for storage of Under Test samples shall be separate for Active Raw Material, Excipient, and Liquid Samples.

• Semi-Finished and Finished Products shall also have separate Cabinets for Storage.

• Liquid Under Test samples shall be stored in a separate Storage Cabinet.

• Stability Study Samples shall be collected and stored separately as per the storage condition.

• Always handle the under-test samples carefully.

• Avoid spillage and contamination while handling the under-test samples.

• Wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) like Hand Gloves, Safety Goggles, Nose Mask (whichever applicable) while handling under test samples.

• Sample Storage Cabinets are placed in the Quality Control Laboratory.

• The Section In-charge/Designee shall receive and check the under-test samples against the Sampling Plan and Observation Sheet.

• He/She shall make necessary entries in the Inward Register and place the under-test samples in the respective Sample Storage Cabinet under Lock and Key.

• The Section In-charge/Designee shall allocate the under-test samples for Analysis.

• The Analyst shall take the under-test sample for analysis from the respective storage cabinet and keep the sample with him/her until the analysis is complete or until the end of the shift.

• If the analysis is pending or not completed, the under-test sample shall be kept in the respective storage cabinet.

• After completing Analysis, Analyst shall complete the report.

• The Reviewer shall review the report and calculation part as per “SOP for Review of Analytical Report”.

• After Analysis is complete and Batch is released, leftover samples shall be destroyed as per “SOP for Disposal of Leftover Samples and Scrap”.

• Raw Material, Finished Product, Stability, and Process Validation samples shall be stored as per their respective Formats.

• The Temperature of the Quality Control Laboratory should be about 23 ± 2 ºC except for Hot Room.

6.0 Acceptance Criteria:

Not Applicable.

7.0 Frequency:

For all the Under Test Samples received in Quality Control Laboratory.

8.0 Format for recording:

8.1 Format for “Raw Material, Finished Product, Stability and Process Validation sample storage cabinet”.

8.2 Format for “Storage condition of cold chain product / raw material”.

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