Standard Operating Procedure for Operation and Cleaning of Vacuum Cleaners
Standard Operating Procedure for Operation and Cleaning of Vacuum Cleaners
1. Purpose:
To lay down a procedure for Operation and Cleaning of Vacuum Cleaners at [company name].
2. Scope
The scope of this SOP is applicable for Operation and Cleaning of Vacuum Cleaners at [company name].
3. Responsibility
Warehouse personnel: For actual operation as per laid down procedure
Head – warehouse: To ensure the compliance of SOP and supervision of the operation
4. Definitions
Not applicable
5. Procedure
• Procedure for Operation of Vacuum Cleaner:
• Ensure that the vacuum cleaner is having status as cleaned and within the validity of cleaning.
• Attach the suitable accessory with main suction pump with.
• Connect the electric cables with vacuum cleaner in the socket. Switch ‘On’ the Vacuum cleaner.
• Perform the cleaning activity as per respective cleaning procedure.
• Once the activity is completed, vacuum cleaner switch shall be put ‘Off’.
•Keep the vacuum cleaner at its designated place.
• Spilled solvent or liquid shall not be cleaned using vacuum cleaner in warehouse area.
• Un-cleaned/ used vacuum cleaner shall not be taken to any other areas for cleaning of other areas. It shall be cleaned before use it for the next area.
• Cleaning of Vacuum Cleaner:
• Type B or Minor Cleaning:
• Use required PPE’s such as hand glove, safety goggle, nose mask during cleaning of Vacuum Cleaner.
• Switch “off” the vacuum cleaner and disconnect the electric cable from main supply.
• Remove the top lid by unlocking the clamps.
• Open the vacuum cleaner mouth. At the time open opening, keep one polyethylene bag while performing the activity.
• Collect the accumulated dust from dust collector into a polyethylene bag and close the bag.
• Clean the body, bottom, and wheel with dusters wetted in disinfectant solution (As per schedule defined in respective SOP for disinfectant solution preparation).
• Clean the inner side of top lid with the wet duster (wetted with disinfectant solution).
• Fix the dust collector bag inside the chamber once the cleaning done.
• Keep the top lid and fix the clamps and close the vacuum cleaner.
• Clean the inner and outer surface of vacuum cleaner and also hosepipe with dry duster.
• Collected waste shall be transfer to Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) department to dispose the hazardous waste.
• After completion of cleaning procedure shall be record in the logbook. (Refer format No. 7.1).
• Type A or Major Cleaning (Cleaning of dust collector bag):
• Use required PPE’s such as hand glove, safety goggle, nose mask during cleaning of Vacuum Cleaner.
• Switch “off” the vacuum cleaner and disconnect the electric cable from main supply.
• Remove the top lid by unlocking the clamps.
• Open the vacuum cleaner mouth. At the time open opening, keep one polyethylene bag while performing the activity.
• The dust collector bag shall be taken out from the vacuum cleaner in a poly bag.
• Dust collector bag of vacuum cleaner shall be cleaned in cleaning area.
• The dust collector bag shall be cleaned by dipped it in the detergent solution for the time [as per validation/ study]. If required bag shall be rubbed gently with hands to clean and remove the adhered materials.
• The vacuum cleaner bag shall be cleaned using RO water.
• The bag shall be finally rinsed with purified water, ensuring no traces of detergent. [Amount of water to be used for rinsing is based on validation/ study.]
• The cleaned bag shall be hanged on the hanger to let it air dry in the wash area.
• Frequency of Type A/ major cleaning of vacuum cleaner shall be done on [as per frequency defined by organization based on the study].
• In whichever vacuum cleaner, HEPA filters are available, physical verification of HEPA filter of vacuum cleaner shall be done during every Major/ Type A cleaning.
• Record the observation in the format no. 7.2.
• Ensure that there is no physical contamination during the replacement activity.
• HEPA filter of vacuum cleaner shall be change yearly or whenever identified that the integrity of filter is breach. Record the details in the logbook, format no.7.2.
6. Frequency
• Minor or Type B Cleaning of vacuum cleaner: Daily in the morning and as and when required.
• Major or Type A cleaning: [As defined by organization based on study].
• HEPA filter replacement: HEPA filter of vacuum cleaner shall be change yearly or whenever identified that the integrity of filter is breach.
7. Formats
7.1 Cleaning log sheet of vacuum cleaner.
7.2 Vacuum Cleaner HEPA Filter verification record.
7.3 List of Vacuum Cleaner.
7.1 Cleaning log sheet of vacuum cleaner
Equipment No.:
Cleaned by
Checked by
Type of Cleaning (Major/ Minor)
7.2 Vacuum cleaner HEPA filter verification record
Date of Issuance of HEPA filter
Room No.
Equipment No.
Done by
Checked by
Date of HEPA filter checking
Observation (Ok/ Not Ok)
Done by
Discard date
Done by
Checked by
Prepared by
Reviewed by
Approved by
7.3 Format for list of vacuum cleaner
Sr. No.
Equipment No.