Calibration protocol for Moisture Analyzer

Instrument calibration protocol for Moisture Analyzer

InstrumentMettler Toledo Moisture Analyzer
Model No. 
MakeMettler Toledo
Instrument no.   
Di – Sodium Tartarate Batch no. 
Weight box no. 
Std. Weight calibration Due date 
Spirit level 
Date of Calibration 

1. Determination of % Loss on Drying:

Weight taken (g) First readingWeight taken (g) Second reading% LODMEANLIMITS
Weight of Di -Sodium Tartarate =
Weight of Di -Sodium Tartarate =
  14.00 % to 17.00 % w/w (At 150°C)

2. Determination of moisture analyzer balance calibration:

Standard Weight    DifferenceLIMITSREMARKS
50 gm + 0.050 g 

3. Weight Calibration

Weight loaded in g. (a)Weight displayed in g. (b)Difference in g (a-b)Limit in gDone byChecked byRemarks
1.000  ±0.001   
10.000  ±0.010   
30.000  ±0.030   
50.000  ±0.050   

Remarks: Calibration Satisfactory / Not Satisfactory

Calibrated By (Sign/ Date)

Checked By (Sign/ Date)

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