Calibration Protocol Temperature Humidity Chamber

Instrument Calibration Protocol Temperature Humidity Chamber

INSTRUMENTTemperature Humidity Chamber
Refer SOP No. 
Model No.                         
Instrument Code No.               
Date of Calibration              
Next Due Date 
  • Place 8-calibrator sensor of Temperature & RH near Temperature & RH sensor of humidity chamber.
  • Set the required Temperature & RH on the Controller by pressing the increment or decrement key.
  • Set Temperature    : _________ ± 2° C
  • Set RH (Humidity) : _________ ± 3 % RH
  • Record the Temperature & RH for Accuracy study at 10 minutes intervals for the time duration specified for 1 hour at set Temperature & RH.                  
 CalibratorHumidity ChamberDifference
Average Temperature (ºC)   
Average Relative Humidity (% RH)   

Acceptance Criteria: Difference of the temperature & RH between Calibrator and Actual temperature and humidity of chamber should be within the Specified Limit of ± 0.2°C & ± 2% RH respectively.

Remark: The instrument calibration is Satisfactory/ Not Satisfactory.

Calibration: Scheduled/Not scheduled

(Reason: _____________­­­­­­­­­­______________________________________________ )

Conclusion: Calibration found satisfactory/ not satisfactory.

Calibrated By (Sign/ Date)

Checked By (Sign/ Date)

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