SOP for Operation of Finnpipette

Standard Operating Procedure for Operation of Finnpipette

Standard Operating Procedure for Operation of Finnpipette

1.0 Purpose:

To lay down a procedure for Operation of Finnpipette.

2.0 Scope:

The scope of this procedure is applicable for Operation of Finnpipette.

3.0 Responsibility:

QC Personnel: To Operate Finnpipette.

4.0 Definitions:

Definitions: NA

5.0 Procedure:

5.1 Ensure that the Finnpipette is clean before and after every operation

5.2 Ensure that the tips attached to the body of pipette are firm.

5.3 Do not set the volume outside the pipette specified volume (Operating range) of Finnpipette.

5.4 Set the delivery volume by using push button on the top of the pipette. If 1.0 mL is require then set at 1.0 mL.

5.5 To decrease the delivery volume, turn the push button clockwise.

5.6 Hold the pipette in an upright position while aspirating the liquid.

5.7 Dip the tip in the depth of the liquid about 1 cm and slowly release the push button.

5.8 Discard the tips after single use.

5.9 To increase the delivery volume, turn the push button anticlockwise.

5.10 The adjusted delivery volume is clearly indicated in the large digital display on the handle.

5.11 Deliver the liquid by gently pressing the push button.

5.12 Cleaning procedure of Finnpipette:

  • Dismantle the micro pipette head from the body
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  • Remove the filter present inside the head of the micro pipette.
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  • Soak the external surface & internal pipette head with 10% soap solution for 15 minutes (Cleaning agent) and clean three to four time by purified water till the removal of traces of soap solution.
  • After cleaning, air-dry the micro pipette.
  • Insert the new filter present inside the head of the micro pipette.
  • Assemble the pipette
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  • Use a separate tip for every sample solution pipetting.
  • Use a micro pipette tip (with filter) to avoid the pipette head contamination.

6.0 Acceptance Criteria:

Not Applicable.

7.0 Frequency:

Operation: As and when required.

8.0 Format for recording:

No format