Standard Operating Procedure for Operation and Cleaning of Solvent Dispenser

Standard Operating Procedure for Operation and Cleaning of Solvent Dispenser
1. Purpose:
To lay down a procedure for operation and cleaning of Solvent Dispenser.
2. Scope
The scope of this SOP is applicable for operation and cleaning of Solvent Dispenser at [company name].
3. Responsibility
Warehouse Person: Operation as per laid down procedure.
Warehouse supervisor: To monitor operations
Head Warehouse: Effective implementation of SOP.
4. Definitions
Not applicable
5. Procedure
5.1 Operation of solvent dispenser:
• Solvent dispenser shall be solvent dedicated.
• Before use, visually verify the cleanliness of solvent dispenser. Solvent dispenser must be visually clean and status label of cleaned dispenser should be available. Validity of cleaning must be ensured.
• In case of clean equipment hold time validity is crossed, re-clean the solvent dispenser.
• To dispense the solvent, place the clean empty container on the weighing balance and print the tare weight of container. Follow the SOP for dispensing of solvent and liquid
• Place the suction end of the solvent dispenser inside the parent solvent container.
• Connect the compressed air pipe to the solvent pump to operate it.
• The flexible pipe of solvent dispenser pump shall be placed inside the clean empty container in which solvent is required to be dispensed.
• Solvent dispensing shall be done in solvent dispensing hood.
• Switched On the solvent and dispense the required quantity of materials. Report the weight in Net weight of solvent.
• Switched Off the solvent dispenser. Disconnect the compressed air line from solvent dispensers.
• Record the details in documents, viz. equipment usage logbook and batch manufacturing record.
• Dispensing label shall be affixed to the container with necessary details.
• Change the status label as to be cleaned on the solvent dispenser.
5.2 Cleaning of solvent dispenser:
• Solvent dispenser shall be cleaned in the cleaning area.
• Clean the solvent dispensers using dry, lint free duster and followed by using compressed air.
• Place the clean solvent dispenser in fresh polybag. Affix the status label as cleaned and write clean equipment hold time validity on the label.
• Place the solvent dispenser at respective clean equipment storage area.
6. Frequency
Cleaning shall be done after every use and re-cleaning if hold time validity is over.
7. Formats
Not Applicable