Pharma Interview Q and A Sep-15-21

Pharmaceutical Interview Questions and Answers

September 15, 2021: Pharmaceutical Interview Questions and Answers

#FactorsOfCultureMediaAffectsTheCultivationOfMicroorganisms #NutrientsOfCultureMedia #FatherOfCultureMedia #PetriDish #TypesOfMediumAndUse

1. Which factors of culture media affects the cultivation of microorganisms?

Culture media factors affecting the cultivation of microorganisms are optimum nutrients, oxygen or other gases, moisture, pH, and temperature.

2. What are the important nutrients of culture media that affects the cultivation of microorganisms?

The key nutrients of culture media that affects the cultivation of microorganisms are sources of carbon, nitrogen, water, inorganic phosphates and sulfur, vitamins, and trace metals.

3. Whose name recognize as “The Father of Culture Media”?

Robert Koch (1843–1910) discovered that broths based on fresh beef serum or meat extracts (so-called bouillons, the term “broth” for liquid culture medium being analogous to broth or soup) produced optimal growth.

4. Who was the first scientist cultivated the microorganisms on a growth medium?

The French chemist and microbiologist, Louis Pasteur (1922–1985).

5. Petri dish is named based on which scientists’ contribution?

Julius Richard Petri (1852–1921)

6. What are the different types of culture medium used in pharmaceuticals and what is the purpose of those?

Types of mediumUse
Nutrient agar or broth and tryptone soya agar or broth. Tryptone soya agar (equivalent to soyabean casein digest medium)→ Environmental monitoring
→ Isolation and cultivation of nonfastidious and fastidious microorganisms
Note: Fastidious bacteria are bacteria that need special nutritional supplements and conditions to grow on agar plates. Nonfastidious bacteria are bacteria that do not need special nutritional supplements and conditions to grow on agar plates
Tryptone soya brothSterility testing and as a general growth broth in microbial enumeration tests, as well as used for media simulation trials
vegetable peptone brothMedia filling trials
fluid thioglycollate mediumused for the growth of bacteria (aerobic and anaerobic) as a part of the sterility test
fungiSabouraud dextrose agar or malt extra agar
R2AMicrobiological examination of water (This is a low nutrient agar used for the cultivation of heterotrophic microorganisms).
Columbia blood agarDetection of hemolytic reactions by Staphylococci

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