Preparation and Standardisation of 0.01 M Disodium Edetate BP Volumetric Solution

Molecular formula of EDTA Disodium salt 0.01 mol/l (0.01M): C10H14N2Na2O8.2H2O


Accurately weigh and dissolve 3.722 g of Disodium edetate in sufficient water to produce 1000 ml.


Accurately weigh and dissolve 0.100 g of Zinc, in granules, in 4 ml of 7 M Hydrochloric acid and add 0.1 ml of Bromine water. Boil to remove excess bromine, cool and dilute to 100 ml with water. Dilute 10 ml of this solution to 200 ml with water. Add about 50 mg of Xylenol orange triturate and Hexamine until the solution becomes violet-pink and add 2 g of Hexamine in excess. Titrate with 0.01 M Disodium edetate solution until the violet-pink colour changes to yellow.

Each ml of 0.01 M Disodium edetate VS is equivalent to 0.6538 mg of Zn.


Molarity (M) =

(0.01 x Weight of Zinc (in g) x 10)/ ( Titration reading (in ml) x 0.0006538 x 100)

Limit: 0.01 M ± 5 % (0.0095 M – 0.0105 M)


a. 7 M Hydrochloric acid:

Dilute 59.5 ml of Hydrochloric acid to 100 ml with water.

b. Bromine water:

A saturated solution obtained by shaking occasionally during 24 hours 3 ml of Bromine with 100 ml of water and allowing to separate.

c. Xylenol orange triturate:

Triturate 1 mg of Xylenol orange with 99 mg of Potassium nitrate.

It should comply with the following test:

Sensitivity: Add 50 mg to a mixture of 50 ml of water, 1 ml of 2 M Acetic acid and 0.05 ml of Lead nitrate solution. Add sufficient Hexamine to change the colour from yellow to violet-red, and add 0.1 ml of 0.1 M Disodium edetate VS. The colour change to yellow.

d. 2 M Acetic acid:

Dilute 12 g of glacial acetic acid to 100 ml with water.

e. Lead nitrate soluition:

A 3.3 % w/v solution of Lead (II) nitrate.


Store in a polyethylene container.

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