Standard Operating Procedure for Cleaning of Riser Filter
Standard Operating Procedure for Cleaning of Riser Filter
1. Purpose:
To lay down a procedure for cleaning of riser filters of dispensing and sampling rooms.
2. Scope
The scope of this SOP is applicable to clean the riser filters of dispensing and sampling rooms in the warehouse at [company name].
3. Responsibility
Warehouse Person: Perform filters of dispensing and sampling rooms as per SOP
Warehouse supervisor: To monitor filters of dispensing and sampling rooms.
Head Warehouse: Effective implementation of SOP
4. Definitions
PPE: Personnel protective Equipment
PDE: Permitted Daily Exposure
5. Procedure
• Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) shall be used while cleaning.
• Open the filter cover by unscrewing. Remove the filters. After removal of filters, close the cover.
• Filters shall be placed in the polythene bag. Close the polybag.
• The filter covered in the polybag shall be transferred to the filter cleaning area.
• De-dust the filter to remove the adhered dust under the dust extraction system hood.
• Filter shall be cleaned using dry duster. Wash the filter using potable quality water.
• Allow the filters to air dry.
• The cleaned and dried filters shall be packed in a polythene bag.
• Open the filter duct door and remove it.
• The path of the duct and door shall be cleaned with vacuum cleaner, dry duster. Clean it with wet duster soaked in potable water.
• Once the cleaning is completed, place the filter, close the duct door and fixed it at their original place.
• The cleaning of filters and ducts shall be done once in a week.
• Record the necessary details in the riser filter cleaning log book.
• For potent molecules; low Permitted Daily Exposure (PDE) value, following procedure shall be used. Molecule with Permitted Daily Exposure ≤10 mcg/ day called as Low PDE molecules.
• Procedure for handling riser filters for Low PDE value (≤10 mcg/ day) molecules.
• While handling and dispensing of low PDE (≤10 mcg/ day) product (as per list of low PDE (≤10 mcg/ day) product), dedicated riser filter shall be used.
• Remove and clean the previously used riser filter. Place them in the cleaned polybag. Close the polybag and pack it with plastic seal.
• Install the dedicated riser filter (pre filter) allocated for respective low PDE (≤10 mcg/ day) value molecules.
• Area cleaning as per cleaning procedure applicable for product to product changeover shall be done after fixing of riser filter applicable for low PDE (≤10 mcg/ day) value molecule.
• Once the dispensing activity of material with low PDE (≤10 mcg/ day) value molecule completed, perform the product to product changeover. Clean the filters as per filter cleaning procedure. While taking the filter to filter cleaning area, place the filter in single polybag and close the bag using plastic seal. Before taking the filter to filter cleaning area, place the filter bag in second polybag and close the bag using plastic seal. Take the filter to filter cleaning area.
6. Frequency
• Cleaning of the riser filters shall be done once in a week.
• Filter applicable for low PDE (≤10 mcg/day) molecule shall be done after usage and if clean equipment hold time validity is over, re-clean it before use.
7. Formats
7.1 Riser filter Cleaning Record
Filter No.
Cleaned By
Checked By
7.2 List of low Permitted Daily Exposure value molecules and respective filters
Sr. No.
Name of Molecule
Permitted Daily Exposure value
Filter No. dedicated for respective molecule
Entry made by
Checked by
Approved by
Note: To read about filters click here.