Standard Operating Procedure for Operation and Cleaning of Vernier Caliper
1.0 Purpose:
To lay down a procedure for Operation and Cleaning of Vernier Caliper (Digital).
2.0 Scope:
The scope of this SOP is applicable for Operation and Cleaning of Vernier Caliper (Digital) at [Company name].
3.0 Responsibility:
3.1 QC-Personnel: To Operate and Clean Vernier Caliper (Digital).
3.2 Head-QC/Designee: To monitor the activity and Ensure the Compliance of SOP.
4.0 Definitions:
5.0 Procedure:
5.1 Ensure that the Vernier Caliper is clean before and after every operation.
5.2 Instrument shall be in “OFF” position when not in use.
5.3 Always use a DR44 battery (Silver oxide cell).
5.4 If the Vernier Caliper is not in use more than three months remove the battery from the Caliper and store it properly, otherwise liquid may leak from the battery and damage the caliper.
5.5 Keep the measuring faces and reference surfaces clean.
5.6 The outside and inside measuring jaws of this Digital Vernier caliper have a sharp edge. Handle it with great care to avoid injury.
5.7 Do not attempt to charge or disassemble the battery. It may be short-circuited.
5.8 Operation:
5.8.1 Ensure the Zero setting. If there is any deviation, then loosen the clamps (bezel clamp) and turn the bezel clamp to set the ‘0’ point dial to the pointer.
5.8.2 Open the jaws slowly and insert the object, tablets or capsules between it and close the jaws.
5.8.3 Note the reading from display.
5.8.4 Repeat the same procedure for every measurement. Record the results.
5.8.5 QC Personnel shall be make necessary entry of operation in logbook format 10.2 “Instrument usage logbook”
5.9 Cleaning:
5.9.1 Put “OFF” the Vernier Caliper and clean with tissue paper.
5.9.2 Remove all the dust particles, powder if any.
5.9.3 Finally clean with smooth cloth.
6.0 Acceptance Criteria:
Not Applicable.
7.0 Frequency:
7.1 Operation: As and when required.
7.2 Cleaning: After every Operation.
8.0 Format for recording:
8.1 Instrument Usage Logbook
Name of Product
Batch No.
A.R.No/ Lot.No
Instrument use Start Time
Instrument use End Time
Checked By