SOP for Operation and Cleaning of Sieve Shaker

Standard Operating Procedure for Operation and Cleaning of Sieve Shaker

Standard Operating Procedure for Operation and Cleaning of Sieve Shaker

1.0 Purpose:

 To lay down a procedure for Operation and Cleaning of Sieve Shaker.

2.0 Scope:

The scope of this SOP is applicable for Operation and Cleaning of Sieve Shaker in quality control laboratory at [Company name].

3.0 Responsibility:

QC Personnel: To Operate and Clean Sieve Shaker.

Head-QC/Designee: To monitor the activity.

4.0 Definitions:


5.0 Procedure:

5.1 Ensure that the sieve shaker is clean before and after every operation.

5.2 Before operating, check whether all the sieves are clean and dry.

5.3 Ensure that the sieve stack is tightened properly before starting the shaker.

5.4 Do not start the sieve shaker without a sieve in the holder.

5.5 Operation:

• Switch “ON” the mains.

• Set the time interval and amplitude.

• Open the clamping device.

• Place the sieve stack on the sieving platform. Load the sample. Clamp the top cover with the help of a screw.

• Press start. The shaker starts sieving until the set time.

• Once the time is over, it will stop and make a beep sound 3 times.

• During sieving, the amplitude, time, and interval time can vary.

• Once the sieving is completed, unscrew the clamp to remove it.

• Take out the sieves.

• Turn “OFF” the mains.

5.6 Cleaning Procedure:

• Sieves and platform are cleaned using a brush or a clean cloth.

• In case of sticky material, sieves are cleaned with water and finally air-dried.

6.0 Acceptance Criteria:

Sieves should be visibly cleaned.

7.0 Frequency:

Operation: As and when required.

Cleaning: After every operation as per defined procedure.

8.0 Format for recording:

8.1 Format for “Instrument Usage Logbook”.

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